Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cleaning a Glass Cook Top Stove

Glass cook top stoves can be awesome for a number of reasons. You don't have to contend with any coils or clean under the burners but the wear that the glass can get is a little ridiculous.  If mine were black on top, it probably wouldn't bug me so much but with mine being white, I notice EVERYTHING!!  Whenever anything spills onto a hot burner I am left with a black burnt ring.

We have tried in the past to use the special cleaning products designed for cook tops but to no avail.  They straight up don't work, in my honest opinion.  Even after
using a ton of scrubbing, the specialty cleaners barely removed anything.

I love when I can use everyday products that I already have in my home to accomplish mutiple tasks.  Baking Soda is a big one.  So many uses for that stuff!  I'm glad it's cheap because they could totally charge more and I'd still pay for it.  Hydrogen Peroxide is another great product around the house.  Combine these two together and you have a rock star cleaner.

I decided to try it out on my stove a while back and I couldn't believe that I had ever tried anything else but this.  It worked instantly! With very little elbow grease.

And since I love my readers so much, I thought that I would share my joy with you in case you have a similar issue at your house.

Check out the before of my stove:

Let's just pretend that I've been neglecting it for quite sometime in order to give you all a great show, mkay? Yeah, let's do that...

All you need are three basic things:
  • a sponge
  • Baking Soda
  • Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix your Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda together in a bowl and make a soupy paste


Pour the paste onto the stove and spread around the dirty areas

Start scrubbing away! I barely used any pressure and the gunk was coming right off.  

Here is where I stopped halfway through one of the burners to show the difference that it makes

Keep in mind that my cook top is over 10 years old so there  is bound to be a bit of discoloring on each burner that is permanent.  This solution will not remove that :( 

When you're all done with your happy dance you just performed in your kitchen after seeing the clean stove, you can wipe it off with a damp rag a few times.  It will feel chalky if you don't wipe it down really good.  

Here is my final result!

Are you as excited as I am about this?!  Just pretend you are because in my head, that's how I vision you :)

Happy Thursday!

I'm linked up here:


  1. love it! it is certainly better than the stuff you pay a fortune for at the store and we all have the ingredients around the house. thanks!

    1. You're welcome! It's certainly been a lifesaver around here :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That's awesome! I love using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide; it worked well to clean my tile. You're stove still looks pretty good for being ten years old though. Thanks for the tutorial! Stopping by from Lines Across.
