Saturday, April 12, 2014

We did it again!

Hey peeps! I am really trying to get back on the blog bandwagon these days since I've pretty much been absent since January. Trying to get our house ready to list has been exhausting.  I guess it's partly my fault since I procrastinate on every single project I start and now I am
left trying to finish them all at once.  It should be an eye-opener for me, but let's be real folks, it totally won't be.  In reality, we will purchase our new house and I will get right back into tearing things apart and leaving them for months on end.

Speaking of tearing apart, I am sooo glad that we really didn't have to tear ANYTHING apart when we tiled our entryway floor.  Remember that sweet peel and stick, groutable tile we used in our bathroom makover?  Well, it made an appearance again.  It's perfect; cheap and so easy to install.

Here's what we were trying to get rid of in the entryway

I won't go into detail about how to lay the tile again, but if your curious about how easy it truly is, check out the bathroom makeover!

Good riddance ugly linoleum!!! 

My handsome worker! 

One of the benefits of getting things done quickly though is I am FINALLY getting to see some real progress on our home.  I wish that I would be able to spend a little more time in this house now that it is finally becoming what I had  envisioned in the first place.

Here is that entry way flooring only missing a few tiles and the grout! I wanted to be able to show you the difference of how much nicer it looks in comparison to the old linoleum.

Now that it is complete, it looks beautiful and we are so happy it took us only a few hours.  Time is gold around here these days!

(I totally thought I had a picture of the completed tile but I guess I don't and let's be honest, my entryway is super messy and I'm too lazy to clean it and take a new one! Sorry!)

FYI: I had some people ask how the bathroom tiles were holding up being that they were so cheap.  It has been nearly 1 year and they are still amazing and so is the grout.  We haven't had any issues whatsoever.

Here is a sneak peak at another new flooring project we have almost completed!  More details on that to come!


  1. hi, wanted to put a new peel and stick vynil tile in the bathroon....but there is this old same peel and stick vynil tile (so disgusting to see)....TO PUT A NEW ONE...IS IT NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE OLD ONE...WHICH I FIND TOO MUCH WORK (since I am a senior...68 yrs old) PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I COULD DO THE WAY I WANTED....THANKS IN ADVAICE@@@

  2. Wow! This is such a great post. I have been wanting to re-do the tile floors in our kitchen. It might have to be the next weekend project! We are refinishing our kitchen cabinets so maybe after that! Thanks so much for sharing!
